Community Centred College
for the Retired
Established in 1973
Learn for Fun, Teach for Pleasure!

Winter Semester
January the 21st, 2025,
is our first day of classes.
Have a happy study.

Our Mission
To offer fun, affordable classes to anyone 50 and over
To encourage more socialization and intellectual stimulation to people who have a thirst for learning
To inspire students and teachers to share their knowledge and skills in a dynamic and fun environment
To promote diversity and multiculturalism by connecting people within our communities

A snapshot of our classes
Class offerings change every semester. Below is a list of our recent Semester course offerings. Our Winter Semester brochure (updated Jan. 10, 2025) can be viewed here.
The Winter Semester schedule (updated Jan. 10, 2025) can be viewed here.
Mental Wellness
Short stories discussion group
Memoir Writing
Piano (multiple classes)
Social Media apps for iPhone/ iPad
Quilting, Sew, Knit, Crochet Group
More iPad Fun!
More iPhone Fun!
Photos for Smartphones
Historical Photos
Spanish beginners/advanced conversation
Beginner's Mandarin
Beginner's Hindi
Intermediate German
We're looking for new instructors all the time so if you're retired and interested in teaching a course or you know someone who is, don't be shy!
You can email us: or
give us a call: 604-517-8732.
We'd love to hear from you!
An exceptional woman with an exceptional idea!

In 1972, over the age of 60 years, Mabel Dunham of Burnaby received her Bachelor of Education and Adult Education diploma from UBC. Convinced other people her age would also be interested in furthering their education it became Mabel's mission to structure a self-help college.
In 1973, encouraged by UBC Professors Thornton and Neimi, she began by offering a course entitled "Explorations in Reading" at Edmonds House - a newly opened senior citizens centre in Burnaby. This was the beginning of a new and exciting program for people over the age of 55. The response and interest proved there is no age barrier to the desire to learn new things.
The Western Community Centred College for the Retired Society, known as WCCCR, or Community Centred College for the Retired, was incorporated as a non-profit society in 1977.
On May 1, 1977 the Federal Government granted WCCCR status as a Registered Society. With the help of a three-year New Horizons grant, two Canada Works Projects and several well respected members of the Community, WCCCR was able to expand to what it is today.