Community Centred College
for the Retired
Established in 1973
Learn for Fun, Teach for Pleasure!

Reading, Writing & Discussions

Discussion groups and memoire writing galore!
R 3 Memories into Memoirs/Creative Writing
Want to write your life story or record the events that made up your life or the lives of your ancestors? Not sure where or how to begin? This class will help you to get started and to finish writing the stories of adventures, romances, heartbreak, practical experiences and simple day-to-day events that make up your life. Join this class and create a legacy for present and future generations. You read out your personal stories to one another in a classroom setting.
Pre-requisite: Grade 12 English or a good understanding of both the written and spoken English language.
Class limit: 8
Class runs: 8 classes, 1:30-3:00 once a week (Thursdays).
Cost: $80
Class notes: $3
What to bring to class: A notebook and pen.
Start date: See our project schedule
Instructor: Joy Berkana
Room: 3
R 10 - Film Afternoons
Come view and discuss a variety of films with others in a comfortable, fun atmosphere.
Bring a friend or relative.
Refreshments too!
Arthur Babiarz and Diane Rogers
Class runs: 1:30-3:30 pm TUESDAYS
Start Date: See our project schedule
Room: 2
Donations welcomed.
R4 Short Stories, and How to Enjoy Them.
Enjoying and Understanding Short Stories.
Finding the theme behind the plot.
The aim of the course is to explore the range of techniques writers use to present their insights into human nature while telling a good story.
Each week we will read a short story, or two short extracts, first to enjoy a good tale, and then to ask, “Why did the author write it? Is there something more behind the simple storyline?”
We will look at techniques such as Irony, Setting, Contrast, Symbolism and Viewpoint in order to see what the writer is implying on a deeper level.
Some of the stories we will explore are The Little Shoemaker (Roch Carrier), Story of an Hour (Kate Chopin), The Lottery (Shirley Jackson), Clay (James Joyce), and Hills Like White Elephants (Ernest Hemingway).
Prerequisites: A love of reading, enjoyment of a good story, and an interest in human nature!
Class limit: 8
Class runs: 6 classes, 1:30-3:30 once a week (Wednesday)
Cost: $60
Class notes: $3
What to bring to class: A notebook and pen.
Start date: See our project schedule
Instructor: Peter Gibson
Room: 3