Community Centred College
for the Retired
Established in 1973
Learn for Fun, Teach for Pleasure!

Broaden your communication...

L2 Spanish Conversation
In this course we will take your knowledge of Spanish one step further! You will learn "spoken" grammar (how we talk), more advanced vocabulary and it will be a refresher as well of what you know already!
Class limit: 8
Class runs 9:00-10:30 once a week (Thursday) for 8 weeks.
Cost $80
Class Notes: $3
What to bring to class: 1-inch width binder, pens
Instructor: Eduardo Zuniga
Start date: January 18, 2024
Room: 2
L 6 Beginners' Spanish
This is a class for those who desire to learn Spanish or who want to refresh their knowledge of Spanish.
Prerequisite: None
Class limit: 8
Class runs 9:00 - 10:30 am once a week (Wednesday) for 8 weeks
Cost $75
Class Notes: $3
What to bring to class: A notebook
Instructor: Eduardo Zuniga
Start Date: January 17, 2024
Room 2
L 8 Beginner’s Mandarin Chinese
This beginner’s course is for those who wish to learn conversational Mandarin Chinese including standard and official pronunciation as well as simple sentence structures.
Pre-requisite: None
Class Limit: 8
Class runs: 11:15-1:15 pm, once a week (Wednesdays) for 8 weeks.
Cost: $80
Class Notes: $3
What to bring to class: A note book and pen.
Instructor: Michelle Lo
Start date: January 17, 2024
L 4 Intermediate German
This is an intermediate class for those who desire to expand their knowledge of the German language or have taken a beginner's German class previously.
Prerequisite: L3 (Beginner's German) or good knowledge of the German language
Class limit: 8
Class runs 11:15-1:15 once a week (Thursday) for 8 weeks.
Cost $75
Class Notes: $3
​What to bring to class: A booklet for writing down words and highlighters.
Optional: A dictionary Oxford-Duden (English - German, German - English)
Instructor: Irmhild Plettner
Start Date: January 18, 2024
Room: 2
L 9 - Elementary Hindi Speech (Basics)
This is an elementary class for learning to speak basic Hindi language.
Prerequisite: Can speak the English language
Class limit: 8
Class runs 10:15-12:15 once a week (Wednesday) for 8 weeks
Cost $80
Class Notes: $3
What to bring to class: A notebook and pen.
Instructor: Mahesh Bhatia
Start Date: September 20, 2023
Room: 2