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Community Centred College
for the Retired
Established in 1973
Learn for Fun, Teach for Pleasure!
Photos for Smart Phones Contest
Each semester, we choose a picture (or two if there's a tie) taken by our Photos for Smart Phones students with their camera phones that stood out to us artistically. It is chosen by the registrar and our president at the end of the semester. Below are our choices for the 2022 year. If you're interested in joining our Photos for Smart Phones class, please take a look at our schedule to see if it's available for a coming semester!
Click this happy camera to take a look!
Fall, 2022
Winter, 2023
Your photo could be here... :)
(Pictured above)
Marlene's vibrant, fuchsia wall of flowers...
(Pictured Below)
Jean's capture of an incandescent globe of golden
sap against a tree...
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